Physical examination of the heart, lungs, abdomen and thyroid gland
Annual Check-up reminder by email or phone
Get Fit
Laboratory determination of storage iron, determination of vitamins B12 plus calcium, folic acid, potassium, sodium, BNP (marker of heart muscle enlargement), total CK and CK MB (markers of general muscle damage and heart muscle damage, respectively)
Sports medical advice
Stress ECG, O2 saturation
Lung function test (Peak Flow)
Vitamin infusions or injections to strengthen the immune system and provide vitamins to the active body (three treatments are included in the package)
Infusions and injections
Orthomolecular infusions: vitamin cocktail plus trace elements. Effect: elimination of clinically or laboratory-chemically detectable deficiency states, promotes cell regeneration and inhibits premature cell aging
Medivitan: Vitamin B6 and B12 plus folic acid, is injected into the muscle. Recommended especially for fatigue, performance reduction, stomach discomfort, long-term use of proton pump inhibitors (e.g. pantoprazole, omeprazole)
High dose Vitamin C-Infusions via the vein. Recommended in case of vitamin C deficiency conditions, which can be represented by frequent infections
Advantages of bypassing the gastrointestinal tract during infusions and injections: Optimization of vitamin stores and trace elements without the reduction of the ingredients by the stomach acid.
Premium Check-up
Detailed medical consultation to determine your personal health goals and history of possible physical ailments
Markers for inflammatory, rheumatic, infectious or tumorous diseases (blood sedimentation)
Immunoelectrophoresis to determine immune status
Tumor markers: : In women: ovarian cancer (Ca-125), In men: prostate cancer (PSA) testicular cancer (aFP); in women and men: colorectal cancer (CEA), pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, bile duct cancer (CA 19-9)
Tobacco cessation: 6-week course, meeting one evening per week: "Qualification tobacco cessation" certified by the German Medical Association. Costs are covered by most health insurance companies Please ask for the next start date!
a) individual dietary advice with a realistically feasible, healthy diet (approx. 60 minutes)
b) 4-week follow-up with detailed explanation of difficulties and successes (approx. 30 minutes)
Personal training adapted to individual needs. If interested, training in a group is also possible.
Crisis management, life coaching, mental coaching: Are you in a life situation that you would like to discuss with us without time pressure? Unfortunately, it is not possible to have long conversations during routine medical visits. Due to the many requests for therapeutic conversations, we are pleased to offer you this possibility now.